Friday, July 27, 2007

Channel 13 news: thank you for exhibiting what IDIOTS LIVE IN EAST TOLEDO

Just now, on the 11 o'clock news, Channel 13 showed construction workers getting frustrated because places that were just steamrolled (to prepare them for paving..the intersection of Fassett and Oak has been closed for MONTHS) were driven over by idiot-twenty-something drivers, actually it showed a woman in her 20-30's with a cigarette in her hand, watching them steamroll the road to get it ready to pave, ANYWAY, SHE DRIVES RIGHT OVER IT AND THEN THEY HAVE TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. The news clip even showed the construction guy shaking his head and talking to his co-worker like he was saying 'Can you believe these people?" and then the chick drives away like nothing's wrong!! OMG - this is CLASSIC East Side behavior and it really pisses me off. I mean, here I am, sitting down and opening my blog and writing about it, it purturbed me so much! It gives all of us East Toledoans a bad name.
Here are some other examples of the ignorance that I witness on a weekly basis:

"Don't-Know-Who-My-Baby's-Daddy-Is" white teenage mothers, with their mixed-race babies all walking together, talking "black-talk" or bitching loudly on their cell phones, with their fat stomachs hanging out of their tight little crop tops, showing how STUPID they were, while collecting welfare, food stamps, and WIC.

Teens and "kids" in their early 20's, hanging out all night long, some on their little teenager bicycleses, being extremely loud and disrespectful, then THROWING THE BOTTLE THEY DRANK (beer/liquor) OUT OF, INTO THE STREET OR SIDEWALK, busting the glass all over the place, THEN thinking nothing of it, laughing. When you ask then to please pick it up, they say back, "F*&K OFF".

Black guys who pull their "privates" out in public and try to get girls attention when they are walking by; THEN some girls actually walking over to them and letting them feel under their shirt...and follow them in the door...not knowing them at all!

Women who have nothing better to do - usually older ladies but not seniors, walking their dog at all hours of the night, making all the neighborhood dogs bark inside their houses, then LETTING their dogs poop in others yards!! (I have a neighborhood lady that does this nightly - SO RUDE!!)

OH there's more...I'll come back to this when I need to let of some more steam. I'd rather write about positive things...And I really do not ENJOY making MY area of town look bad. I have LOTS of East Side pride. I just wish we could ship these LOSERS to the mountains or something, and then we would never hear from them or see them again.


1 comment:

David Ben-Ariel said...

There goes the neighborhood... This white trash girl I knows moves in with all her nigger/nigga/black/colored/negro/African-American friends who come and go and she's already received an eviction notice, but too late for our plant stolen in broad daylight off of our front porch by two of the black criminals and when two white neighbor women saw it and made comments to them they were threatened, and when the police showed up hours later, of course the plant is long gone...other neighbors speak of their grill now gone, bicycles, etc. And the racist NAACP wonders why white people move out when blacks move in? Enough is enough!

Black Mark on Toledo

Race Matters