Friday, June 8, 2007

A Wonderful Spring Day

Today is June 8th, 2007, and it's hot, very hot. We had a monstrous thunderstorm with vicious lightening, while I was driving across town to the doctor's office, and it only lasted for about 15 minutes. I prayed that it would hit the other side of the river, so I wouldn't have to water the plants and flowers in the yard tonight, and it did! I finished moving the furniture (I also prayed I don't suffer tomorrow for moving as much as I did, but I probably will..) Lindsey even offered to have John come over and help move the furniture. I took that as a hint that she was bummed that the house was all still in disarray from when I cleaned the carpet on Monday night...
I am thinking about Dar, my cousin, and praying that she got through her 90 day rehab okay, and that she is facing each new day with her bright happy smile again. I NEED TO SEND HER A CARD!
I decided to take on a new look about my house and not being able to afford it. I am going to fight for it as long as I can. I paid the damn 615.00 mortgage and prayed that God would make something come up so that I could afford to give my daughter SOMETHING for her birthday.
We are going camping that day, and Paul and little (but now big, I hear, about 5'10"!) Paulie are coming out and camping right next door! I am so GLAD!! party on! AND BETH IS COMING FRIDAY NIGHT and MARTI MIGHT come out on the same night which is LINDSEY'S 16th BIRTHDAY!!
OH - right before I left to go across town, and before it rained, I picked up all the weeds I pulled out yesterday and pulled out a little more. The sunflowers are growing so fast! I can't wait till they're big again! And all kinds of weeds are coming up REALLY FAST. I have to wait to pull many of them because I planted about 30 packs of seeds, and I don't want to pick new flowers by mistake. The yard really looks great.
Pumpkin has no signs of parvo yet today. Praise God. One more day till the incubation period is over. Her best little girl doggie-friend is getting better every day out at East Suburban Animal Clinic. Praise God again and again. My friend Jeremy, Lissie's Daddy was so distraught. I tried to call him but I have the wrong number.
I feel like I have gotten all caught up with my phone calls and am in touch with everyone again. I don't know if it's my short time-of-month, or my Effexor, that I just started taking 5 days ago (but not today - forgot) or the Fat-blocker I took this morning combined with the 1/3 of Monster Energy drink I drank on the way to the Doctor. But i really got a lot done. Even checked up on my checkbook! RIGHT AFTER I GOT UP! Usually I lie there for an hour or 3, trying not to fall back asleep, dreading the day full of stress. I know one thing for sure, it was less stressful because l went to her friend's today after school. They still have to go to school till next TUESDAY! Everyone else is out of school as of today!! Bummer, huh?
The only thing I still need to do is get ready for that Block Watch meeting that is coming up fast - on Thursday of next week. IN 6 days! Ii still haven't made flyers OR passed them out (all 500 of them) or dropped them off at the CSO (Community Service officer's) office yet to be copied. I haven't worked on the agenda except for deleting things from last month. 'Just don't feel like it. I REALLY need a partner. Feeling not so good about my work for Block Watch this month. I lost control of the meeting last month and it left me with a apathetic feeling. I pray that gets better. I'm sure it will now.

Anyway - that my life, praise God, in East Toledo today!
Hope things look as good for you too,

PS. IF ANYONE finds a Spell-Check that fixes small "i"s and changes them to capital "I"s, PLEASE LET ME KNOW - I WASTE SO MUCH TIME FIXING THEM ALL!

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