Thursday, April 12, 2007


Hi - A man that was on (my damn memory arrggghhh) on that show with meredith Viera that asks questions, just mentioned a book that tweaked my travel-bug interest. Thank God I have a computer. I don't know what I would do without it! It is called VAGABONDING...with reaserch I learned that is is by Rolf Potts. I found his own web page that offers web excerpts, as well as forums that discuss topics, and even a link for finding someone to travel with you while you are being a "vagabond"..sounds FUN to me. I can't wait to get my finances under control so i can meet new people, and see the U.S. I pray that day comes before I get sick now that my daughter is growing up. I've waited for this for 16 years...I have bad luck though, and God "owes" me for some bad things I've done (I'm a Christian but I also believe in "what goes around, comes around") I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANY OF YOU IN MY SAME "predicament" !! Send me your thoughts by posting a comment, if you would!
Here 's the link to the book on AMAZON:
(people like us like to buy USEd books much cheaper than new versions.
We're vagabonds!
They're gonna get dirty anyway!)..
and here is the link to Rolf Pott's web site for the book, as well as links for the forums and such:
Please, if you've read it, please let me know what you think about the united States part of the book.
I also think it's important to mention what I REALLY wish for is a travel trailer to live in and travel around in. Just thought that was important! Till next time, XO TTR

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